
We talk about website design, graphic design, SEO, illustration and sometimes dogs

Spring Clean Your Digital Lives

by | Website Design

With spring on the way, it’s time to start thinking about often that dreaded of tasks, the big spring clean. Dig out the dusters, declutter the office, and get a plan of attack sorted. Once you get into it, it always feels cathartic to have a good clear out and tidy, and it can also make great social media content!

Many of us forget that our digital lives could often do with a decluttering too. Web designers in Kingston have some great tips on how to digitally detox, as well as changing some of the bad habits we pick up.

It could give you the inspiration and motivation to launch that start-up you’ve had in mind for so long, or perhaps achieve the zen-like peace of mind from achieving ‘inbox zero’. It can benefit everyone to have a look at our digital selves, both personally and professionally.

Password changing is critically important, yet many of us are guilty of neglecting to do that regularly, and still, too many folks use the same password for multiple websites and logins.

It might not be that you are leaking your credentials, but there’s always that long-forgotten website you signed up for years ago, and if they get hacked, then it’s you who has a security problem!

2-Step verification is easy to enable, where possible, and it’s a great idea too. It’s not infallible, but it will add a vital extra love of security. Apps like Google’s Authenticator or 1Password can give control over all your varied login and password details.

It’s always the case that teenagers are always ahead of the game when it comes to the latest on-trend apps. As adults, we get a little too comfortable with the apps we have and forget to seek out new tools and skills. Ask a teenager what their favourite three apps are, and give them a try.

If, like a lot of people, you find that your workplace nemesis is your procrastination, then try deleting Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn off your phone. If after a week the FOMO is too much to bear, then reinstall them. Try reading a book on your commute instead of endless browsing.

How SEO optimised is your website? And is it formatted and configured to look as good on a smartphone as it does on the computer screen? More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets for viewing the internet, and if your website isn’t easily accessible, or difficult to read, then you could be losing custom.

Also, check to see if you’re maintaining consistency across all your platforms. Keeping similar visuals and tone of voice with your website, Twitter, and Instagram will ensure you have a good brand identity.

With a fresh clean office, home, and digital life, you’ll be prepared to hit spring running, fresh and ready for whatever comes next, and contact us today, if you need web designers in Surrey.


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