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Microsoft ‘Kills Off’ Paint After 32 Years

by | Website Design

We’ve met many clients that have turned to the best web design Kingston has to offer after a brief dalliance with DIY design – and there’s no bigger offender in producing low quality logos and the like than good old Microsoft Paint.

However, after an incredible 32-year run Microsoft have announced that the next update will the demise of one of the world’s most iconic computer programmes, meaning we’ll be waving goodbye to the lo-fi design staple in the autumn as a standard programme on the desktop. However, after an outpouring of grief from a Paint-nostalgic world as the cull of Microsoft programmes was announced, it will still live in the Windows Store, according to The Guardian.

However, it’s a unholy end for a programme which debuted with the first ever version of Windows in 1985 and something that many graphic designers of a certain age will have used in the early days of the industry, let alone the billions of school kids of which mucking about in Paint made up the core of their IT curriculum

In an update released in April, you may have come across something called Paint 3D – something that seemed like an evolution of Paint, rather than a replacement, as it largely gives you the opportunity to design in 3D models.

This may be a signal of where the design market is heading, however, for all of us with fond memories of our first dalliances with the design world, Paint is surely to be missed. RIP Paint, 1985 – 2017.


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