
We talk about website design, graphic design, SEO, illustration and sometimes dogs

The Importance Of User Experience In Web Design?

by | Website Design

If your business has a physical store, shop, or any kind of customer-facing operation, you’ll be aware of maintaining a positive relationship with every customer that comes through your front door. It’s no different with your virtual shop and customer interaction.

If you want your website to be successful, you must incorporate User Experience principles and the latest website design trends into your site’s design. Check out the following insightful information to find out why.

Why is User Experience important?

User Experience is an essential part of any successful website’s design, but UX was a vital part of the professional design process long before the internet. Essentially, UX is about creating a positive relationship between a potential consumer and the product.

Why is User Experience so important in web design?

Quite simply, incorporating good UX design on a website makes users stay on that site and perform calls-to-action.

The website visitor is provided with a clean and smooth flow through the pages of the site or through a specific process, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

How to Incorporate UX Design Principles into Your Website

By identifying the various elements that make up good UX in webs design, you can understand the importance of User Experience and tailor your website accordingly. Make sure your site incorporates the following UX methods.

Your Website Must Be:

  • Useful – Users must be able to find everything they need on your website if you want them to convert into customers.
  • Usable – Your site must be easy to navigate.
  • Findable – If people can’t find it, your site will be useless. Make sure you incorporate Search Engine Optimisation tools into your website’s content.
  • Accessible – You need to ensure your site functions just as well on mobile devices as it does on PCs and laptops. And it should be accessible for people with disabilities.
  • Attractive – A simple and clean design with high-resolution images and appropriate and clear content will engage users more. And the more aesthetically pleasing your website is, the more likely users will spend time on it and perform calls-to-action.

If you’re looking for experienced web design and photography in Surrey, get in touch today!


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