
We talk about website design, graphic design, SEO, illustration and sometimes dogs

Facebook Will Downgrade Slow Sites

by | Website Design

Once you have the best web design Surrey has to offer, make sure you do a site speed check on your website to ensure it is performing optimally.

Slow sites put off people who find the site doesn’t load on time and can also mean you are ranked lower by Google. Have you ever had a GoogleAd declined for no apparent reason? It may be that the site bots found your website too slow and turned you down for this reason, which can have costly consequences when your ads don’t show up.

There is now yet another reason why you will want to check your site speed: Facebook. The social media giant reportedly changed its algorithm recently to reduce the number of links it shows to slow sites.

This means that if you have a Facebook page where you promote your business then a slow response time will cause it to appear less frequently in your target audience feeds than a website with a faster speed.

There are a number of reason why you may have a slow site speed, but one of the reasons we can help you with is overly large website files. Big flashy graphics and lots of them will slow down the rate at which people can open your pages which may put them off. Have a word with us if you are experiencing difficulties, and we can point you in the right direction in no time.


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