
We talk about website design, graphic design, SEO, illustration and sometimes dogs

What To Consider When Briefing Web Design

by | Website Design

When you decide to work with the best web designers Kingston has to offer, you’ll be in the safe hands of a team which knows how to get all the information necessary to produce the perfect website for you and your customers.

However, if there are certain necessities you do have for your website, it can never hurt to verse yourself in the best ways to brief web designers, and these tips from Econsultancy might just inspire some creative discussions with your design team.

Change your focus

While you may have an idea about the way you want to change your branding, illustration and logo, web design is also about the journey taken on your website. From this point, customer experience is the most important factor you need to consider and it’s more about simply how your website looks.

List your goals

Tell your designers what you want this re-design to achieve – more sales, more enquiries, more conversions. Knowing this will help you measure the success after the design has happened.

Bring data to the table

So you’re going to put your customers at the forefront of your design, but to do this, don’t just use your own anecdotal evidence. Put in effort, research and understand your data and metrics so that designers can respond to their behaviour with their website design.

Learn from your old site

If you’re creating a replacement site, it’s key to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your old site. Can you tell your developers five things that your customer’s liked and hated about your old site? Playing up these positives and designing away issues is a must for keeping customer’s satisfied.


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