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3 Common Web Design Mistakes That Cost

by | Website Design

Just a few simple web design mistakes could be costing new enterprises millions of pounds worth of business, companies have been warned.

A recent article published in the Huffington Post suggests that just three small errors can contribute to a business failing to see their desired results in the expected timeframe.

The first of these mistakes is creating website that isn’t responsive – that is, a website that fails to display attractively on mediums like tablets or smartphones, that has an unappealing or difficult to navigate layout or that takes too long to load.

Secondly, firms may be missing out because their contact information is not easy to find or use. Contact details should be presented in a streamlined fashion and clickable where appropriate to make the process as simple as possible for consumers.

Giving the audience the option to send an email or fill out a contact form can be helpful, too, as it means consumers can get in touch in a way that’s convenient for them or during unsociable hours.

The third common mistake that could be costing a company lost business is failure to implement calls to action. Website users need direction and businesses need conversions – placing calls to action throughout the website makes it easier for companies to achieve the aim of their site.

Goals may include getting a customers to book an appointment, send an email or request more information – lead up to this point with persuasive words and images and use buttons to get more customers in a click.

For responsive website design in Surrey and Kingston, contact Tiger Pink today.


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