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Trends For Website Stock Images That Will Be Huge In 2019

by | Website Design

The end of the year is approaching, which means it is time for most companies to reflect on the past 12 months and look at ways they can improve their offerings for 2019.

When it comes to stock image companies, they will need to make their forecasts on what the visual trends will be over the next year, so they can provide the right images that the public will want to see.

This will impact all businesses with good-quality web design in Surrey, as their use of stock images is what helps bring their website to life and keep visitors on their page.

Here are just a few of the stock image trends we are likely to see in 2019.

– Nature

Adobe Stock and Getty/iStock have predicted there will be a growth in demand for nature images next year, as a result of the increasing concern about the environment, according to Digital Arts Online.

The image providers believe more users will want pictures that reflect people trying to find peace and solace in a chaotic world by immersing themselves in nature instead.

Neon colours

Companies using stock image libraries will be searching for bolder, brighter colours next year, it has been predicted.

According to Shutterstock’s forecast for 2019, people will want neon, digital and urban-focused shades. These include colours such as UFO Green, which is very similar to grass and countryside shades, Proton Purple, and Plastic Pink.

These will certainly be great looks for any website, as they are striking to visitors, and will be able to grab their attention as soon as they land on your webpage.

– Art history

It is not just modern looks that are set to create waves in the stock image world next year, as many people want to download more historic art as well.

Deposit Photos believes this trend, which gained popularity in 2018, will continue, with art history influencing modern-day photography. Christy Lee, an American photographer, definitely embraced this trend, creating images that reflected Baroque style paintings.

Still life

For those who need standard stock images, these will always have their place, particularly when it comes to still life photography.

According to Getty, companies looking for pictures of objects will be able to access very artistic and visually appealing images. A trend that has become popular on social media is the ‘Dark table mood’, depicting food shots in a moody setting, which is reminiscent of 17th century Dutch painters.

Indeed, businesses that want to add some pictures of fruit on to their website will be able to find really interesting and creative shots instead, which will make their web design stand out from their competitors’ websites.

– Choose carefully

Whatever trend you follow next year, it is important to choose your pictures carefully. Your website images reflect the content and design of your entire business, so make sure you stick to one theme and make the artwork consistent.

It is worth thinking carefully about what image you want to portray from your business, and then you will be able to find the right type of photos, drawings or paintings that will reflect your branding appropriately to prospective clients or customers.


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