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Nostalgia Marketing In Web Design: Our Top Tips!

by | Website Design

Who doesn’t like to look at the past through rose-tinted spectacles every now and again? Being able to tap into people’s emotions is an important part of a successful ad strategy and using nostalgia marketing – as it has been dubbed – is a great campaign idea if you want to change it up a bit this year.

When it comes to web design, it actually couldn’t be simpler to tap into these feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality – as long as you keep it in line with your overall branding and goods and services. It also needs to strike a chord with your particular audience, so do make sure the design of your site is relevant and appropriate for them.

Look out for design elements like vintage typography and colour themes. Browns and beiges are often used in vintage design but it’s also worth bearing in mind that for interior design and fashion alike, the 1970s have been big news for quite some time. Tap into this with ease by using muted shades of reds, browns, oranges and yellows.

And with films like Blade Runner (with Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford taking centre stage) coming out soon and the recent hit Netflix original show Stranger Things really currying favour, anything with an 80s aesthetic will likely do well at the moment as well.

It’s important, however, that you hit the nostalgia trend head on without making your website look dated. So make sure there are contemporary elements in there as well – which Kingston web designers Tiger Pink can certainly help you with. Give us a call today!


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