Are you struggling to make a decision?

by | Coaching

Cartesian logic can help!!

Sometimes having to decide what to do can feel really complicated and overwhelming.

Maybe you’re scared.

Maybe you can’t see the issues clearly.

Maybe it’s a pretty big decision.

Or maybe it isn’t and you don’t know why you’re finding it quite so hard!

We’ve all been there at some point in our lives.

A useful way to approach the problem is to ask yourself these questions:

  • What WILL happen if I make this decision
  • What WON’T happen if I make this decision

Then swap it around:

  • What WILL happen if I DON’T make this decision
  • What WON’T happen if I DON’T make this decision

It’s amazing how it can clarify what’s REALLY important about the decision in the first place.

If you’ve facing a tricky conundrum and need to decide what to do, give it a go. I’d love to hear how it works for you.